Sass: Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets is the most mature, stable, and powerful professional grade CSS extension language in the world. 1. Steps to use sass in Native html Install sass globally by npm Create separate folders to put .scss and .css files Watch .scss files and compile them to .css real-time Monitor and sync compile single .scss file Monitor and sync compile .scss file to .css in its own directory Or use an extention in VsCode to compile: live-sass-compiler: Compile Sass or Scss to CSS at realtime with live browser reload. easy-sass: Built-in, easy to use Sass compiler Link the .css file in the header of html document: 2. Steps to use sass in React Install node-sass as dependency for React Change file extension .css to .scss Import the .scss files in React component: or read the React official tutorial here 3. Steps to use sass in Vue.js Install npm packages as development dependency: or setup to use them when creating Vue app via vue-cli scaffold tool. You can pick a preset manually and choose a CSS Preprocessor tool while running the vue-cli scalffold. If you choose SASS/SCSS, node-sass and sass-loader will be installed automatically when the project is created. Add lang="scss" in the style tag of the Vue component:

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