From the previous article, we know it's feasible to add our custom shortcuts via Gnome Control Center or using gsettings commands in script to change key values in dconf database schemas. After knowing more about dconf database configuration system and its cli tool, I figure out another handier way to manage custom shortcuts. All we need to do is to define the shortcuts in two files and then load it by dconf commands. Principles(dconf database and commands) dconf database schema and keys As we kown from the previous article, creating custom shortcuts keybindings is actually related to keys operation in two dconf schemas:  1. in the relocatable schema, set three keys(name, command, binding) in the specific custom shortcut sub-folder path;  2. in schema, update key custom-keybindings to generate new sub-folders for created custom shortcuts. With the help of dconf commands, we can read, write schema keys, or we can export(dump) keys to a file, import(load) keys from a file via shell redirection operation. dconf commands basic By knowing the principles, we will introduce how to manage custom shortcuts keybindings via two simple transition files instead of operating keys in dconf schemas directly. This method brings more convenience, we can:  - edit multiple keybindings in plain text files  - backup and restore shortcut keybindings definitions from files  - avoid long path strings when operating relocate schema keys Files needed File 1: custom shortcuts keybindings dconf template This template file contains one custom shortcut: press F1 to call screenshot application flameshot, and it's the first custom shortcut keybinding. We can…

2020年07月04日 0Comments 2535Browse 0Like Read more

Remider: I found another handier way to manage multiple custom shortcuts after this article was written and I put it here: manage shortcuts keybindings via files and dconf commands. Create new custom key bindings via Gnome Ctronl Cetner Key bindings can be customized using the Gnome Control Center. It can be found as "System Settings" in the menu or accessed on the command line using gnome-control-center. All the key bindings are in the Keyboard Shortcuts section, and the Custom Shortcuts is the last category at the bottom. You can change the default key bindings from other categories, but you cannot remove or disable them here; You can add, remove or modify your own key bindings for applications in Custom Shortcuts category. However, the new custom key bindings cannot override the already defined keybindings in other categories. For example, if you want to set up another shortcut to do screenshot via Print key, that's not applicable here, as this shortcut is aready defined in the Screenshots category and the key is not released. To create your own application keyboard shortcut in the Keyboard Shortcut panel: Click the + button(in previous image). The Add Custom Shortcut window will appear: Type a Name to identify the shortcut, and a Command to run an application. Click the Set Shortcut .... When the Set Custom Shortcut window opens, hold down the desired shortcut key combination. Click Add. Note: The command should work properly in your terminal otherwise your shortcut will not work. So you have to test it before you put it there. Ubuntu Gnome…

2020年07月03日 0Comments 5064Browse 0Like Read more